
ESP32-S3 GPIO Add-On Schematics

ESP32 add-on board schematics. note: this is only useful for HackRF devices that have an GPIO/I2C port. (duh...)

another note: this is actively being developed, with some features not in the HackRF firmware yet. check out Htotoo's ESP32 repo for more updates! All credit to the wonderful work he does. Htotoo's wiki is also here. Do keep in mind, as of 9/12/2024, the wiki is unfinished. You can contribute! Another big thanks to S1SCO for providing schematics! their work is crucial to the community.

  1. GPS, IR and ESP32-S3 Module Schematic
    GPS, IR and ESP32 Schematic
  2. GPS/ESP32-S3 Module Schematic
    I2C Mocule Schematic
  3. IR/ESP32-S3 Module Schematic
    Select MicroSD Card Screenshot
  4. ESP32-S3/Multiple I2C Sensors Schematic
    Select MicroSD Card Screenshot
  5. ESP32-S3/Single I2C Sensor Schematic
    Select MicroSD Card Screenshot
  6. Built Example (w/ multiple I2C modules)
    Built ESP32 Example